Tuesday 5 July 2011

Poetry of despair,when you sit in front of your bank account and can't remember your password......


What a horrible feeling


Into the fridge
Not knowing if you were putting in
Or taking out
Blank brain
Blank eyes
Going back
To where you were before
In the hope
That it will all come rushing back
Sometimes it does
Sometimes it doesn’t

Theres nothing worse
Than wondering where
Your brain is hiding
If it’s ever going
To reconnect
Or if you’re stuck

In no mans land
What was I saying?
Where did I put it?
What was it I put there?

I’ve known you
For forty years
But I just can’t find

Your name
Sometimes I wonder
Where all those lost
Thoughts are hiding
Because I think
Some of them
Never did come back
Now I have a fridge magnet
That says
I finally got it all together
But I can’t remember

Where I left it

Friday 10 June 2011

Portrait paint is not my thing, but I thought I could have a go anyway

Thursday 9 June 2011

some of my favourite works of art

escaping the realm
a painting of eucalyptus bark that turned into a landscape
my fascination with layers
Scrappy the rooster skidding to a stop